Kathy Howard (more affectionately) known as"Dr. 1st Lady" is a woman in the mighty move of God, “A diamond in the rough”. She was born in Lansing, Michigan and while she was still a teenager the family moved to Ohio where she spent most of her adult years before moving to Las Vegas, NV. She was always a brilliant child and one who exhibited awesome leadership qualities. She excelled in grade school and published her first book by the 6th grade.
Dr. Kathy Howard accepted the Lord at the age of 12 years old. At the age of 17 she overcame the spirit of suicide and when she would have otherwise chose to die; she stood on the firm foundation of God’s grace and chose life. She was raised in church and participated in several leadership and ministerial classes in the ministries in which she attended, this in turn led to her ministry calling for Christ. God has embodied her with the gifts of discernment, helps, prophesy and administration.
Not only is she one of God’s beloved, called and chosen for such a time as this, she is also a conqueror. She overcame the pain of her childhood, survived years of sexual abuse and triumphed over every dart the enemy threw her way. She fought with the best of them and does not smell like smoke. There are two things that make her unique; she loves with the genuine love of God and she is a personal two-edged sword, equipping the saints for ministry.
Dr. Kathy Howard has been known as a tough leader, loving God without excuses and always persevering in spite of her adversities. She is passionate about exposing the mysteries of the Gospel to help stomp out biblical illiteracy. She is an Ordained Minister and holds a Masters degree in Divinity (MDiv) a Doctoral degree in Ministry (DMin) and a PhD in Religious Studies, all from Next Dimension University. She is also the author of “Overcoming Sexual Perversion In The Church” (The Pain and Trauma). God granted her the privilege to study His word, speak His truth, and live His love.
Dr. Kathy Howard is married to Pastor Tony Howard and she serves along with him as the First Lady of Destined For Glory World Outreach Ministries, the church they founded in Las Vegas, NV. Together they have a blended family of five wonderful children, eight grand-children, three great-grandchildren and godparents of many.